Friday, January 25, 2008

Lunches in Bunches

So, this week I initiated what I hope becomes a longstanding tradition in Gourlandia, a Thursday afternoon lunch group. A simple potluck every week at noon, I invite anyone and everyone who is homebound, wants to socialize with other adults and talk about things other than poop consistency, nap schedules and Dora the Explorer. The first lunchen went swimmingly and I look forward to our next get together. Wow, something to look forward to! JK, my life isn't that uneventful...or is it? So, moral of the story? A lunch group is awesome and if you don't have one...GET ONE!


Chelsea said...

You could compare labor stories too. Lol! No, just kidding. :) I love that it only takes a little bit of effort to plan something that turns out to be sooo fun!

melbo said...

Sweet, you did it!! I wish I could come to your lunch group! I can't promise I wouldn't bring up poop at least once, though.. old habits die hard.

Amber said...

Hey sis, Come visit me!

Aren't you soooo excited! Love ya!

melbo said...

Okay... ready for another post now!